sábado, 14 de enero de 2017

“La Carpeta Dorian de Federico Cantú: Viñetas de su Vida Íntima”

Recuperación y presentación de una pieza del Patrimonio Cultural de Nuevo León extraviada durante nueve décadas.
 Muestra en colaboración con las
Colecciones Federico Cantú Fabila & Elsa E. de Cantú,
Cantú De Teresa

Facultad Libre de Derecho de Monterrey
Auditorio Ing. Bernardo Elosúa Farías, Facultad Libre de Derecho de Monterrey
Ave. Morones Prieto #1000 pte. Colonia Loma Blanca, Santa Catarina, Nuevo León.

12 de Marzo de 2017

Dia del Patrimonio de NL

jueves, 12 de enero de 2017

Los de Abajo
Mariano Azuela
Centro Cultural del Mexico Contemporáneo
12 de enero 2017
Mariano Azuela González (January 1, 1873 – March 1, 1952) was a Mexican author and physician, best known for his fictional stories of the Mexican Revolution of 1910. He wrote novels, works for theatre and literary criticism. He is the first of the "novelists of the Revolution," and he influenced other Mexican novelists of social protest.
Among Azuela's first published writing were some short pieces for the magazine Gil Blas Cómico, where he wrote under the pen name of "Beleño", and his writing published under the heading Impresiones de un estudiante (Impressions of a Student) in 1896. His first novel, Maria Luisa, was written in 1907, followed by Los fracasados (The Failures) in 1908, and Mala yerba (Weeds) in 1909. The theme of his beginning novels are about fate. He wrote of the social life of Mexicans during the Díaz dictatorship. After experiencing the Mexican Revolution first-hand, his writing style became sarcastic and disillusioned. His first novel with the Revolution theme is Andrés Pérez, maderista in 1911, followed by Sin Amor (Without Love) in 1912, and his most popular, Los de abajo (The Underdogs) in 1915. He continued to write short works and novels influenced by the Revolution. It includes El camarada Pantoja (Comrade Pantoja) in 1937, Regina Landa in 1939, La nueva burguesía (The New Bourgeoisie) in 1941, and La maldición (The Curse, published posthumously) in 1955. These works mainly depicts the satirical picture of life in post revolutionary Mexico sharply and angrily stigmatizing demagoguery and political intrigue.

martes, 10 de enero de 2017

Federico Cantú 1907-1989
XXVIII Aniversario Luctuoso
29 Enero

Para la Colección de Arte Cantú Y de Teresa es un honor
Dedicar el primer semestre del 2017 a la memoria del Ulises de Cadereyta
Cinco exposiciones que narran parte del universo creativo del gran 
maestro de Nuevo León

iniciamos las celebraciones del  XXVIII Aniversario Luctuoso  del Maestro Federico Cantú Garza con cinco exposiciones

Enero 2017- Muestra La Maternidad IMSS en la obra de Cantú
Estación del Metro – Palacio de las Bellas Artes - de la Ciudad de México

Febrero 2017- 100 años de la obra Los de Abajo
Centro Cultural del Arte Contemporáneo
Leandro Valle Colonia Centro

Febrero 2017- El Libro de la Constitución 100 años
Centro Cultural del Arte Contemporáneo
Leandro Valle Colonia Centro

Marzo 2017- La carpeta Dorian 1928-1930
Escuela Libre de Derecho Nuevo León

Marzo 2017- Símbolos Patrios
Museo de Antropología

Adolfo Cantú
CYDT Collection