jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2020


Junto a galerías y expositores de nuestra edición 2020, ZONAMACO reitera su apoyo al ámbito cultural y a artistas de distintas disciplinas a través de la difusión de su trabajo. A partir de este comunicado, le invitamos a conocer exclusivas obras a la venta, así como a visitar exposiciones en línea de algunas de las galerías participantes.

Descubre ....
Una selección de obras destacadas por las galerías

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2020

 Octubre 2020

Charla Memoralia- Federico Cantú



Los nuevos tiempos nos llevan a tomar caminos mas versátiles , donde la tecnología y la comunicación se convierten en herramienta fundamental para mantener vivo nuestro entono en una sociedad cambiante: Es ahí donde la Colección de Arte Cantú Y de Teresa junto con Museos y dependencia Gubernamentales , se vinculan para compartir obras de arte y conocimiento . 

El pasado mes de octubre indicamos con al exposición Memoralia

En Pinacoteca  de Nuevo León , donde presentamos dos obras de Federico Cantú, seguida por la primera charla con el yema de la obra de Federico .


Gracias a el apoyo  de CONARTE y Pinacoteca de Nuevo León , nos dimos cita para la charla : Elvira Lozano de Todd ( directora de la Pinacoteca ) , Gerardo Puertas ( director de la Fundación ( JGGP ) y Adolfo Cantú ; director de la colección de arte ( CYDT.

Sin duda el poder compartir testimonios y pasajes  de la vida de l artista y su entorno , permiten enriquecer el conocimiento que por siempre engrandecerá a Sutra tierra del norte,

En hora buena por estos programas de arte.


Adolfo Cantú

CYDT Collection


martes, 23 de junio de 2020

La inmortalidad, son menesteres del Arte




Cundo el Lic. Gilberto Miranda le pregunto a mi abuelo – Federico! y como esta eso de que pintaste a tu nieto , Paco y a Fede como Arlequín y que no pintaste nunca a Bo?

Papanano le respondió : Pues ese desgraciado! esta representado en un sinnúmero de obras:  él es mi bebe del IMSS y Elsa la madona.

El tema de Mamalí, fue también muy interesante : Primero apareció en el tríptico de Lord Byron, que se mostro en Exposition Park en 1929, en una exposición antes que la que tuviera José Clemente Orozco en 1930.
Casi una década despues Rosenblueth la pinto en una serie de obras magnificas, muy al estilo de Carlos Orozco Romero, pero tambien aparece como Maestra rural en 1940.
En la foto aparecemos Mamalí y yo en el jardín de Tlalpan, unos meses antes de su fallecimiento.

Papanano se pinto incansablemente y aquí una muestra de un autorretrato que utilizo en su ultima exposición en Monterrey NL aproximadamente en 1982 . – decía – Cada vez mis rasgos son mas diabólicos -
Tambien pinto durante toda su juventud  grandes obras en la que aparece mi papá.
En la foto tambien en el jardín de Tlalpan esta él mi papá y Gloria.

Gloria Calero Sierra ( nieta de Justo Sierra y esposa de mi abuelo )  igual alcanza tantas representaciones como la madona del IMSS , aquí dos ejemplo :  Primeramente este fabuloso retrato que le pinta Siqueiros en 1931 , en la época que Gloria estaba casada con Chano Urueta ( hermano de Cordelia Urueta), y despues la obra titulada , Primer Retrato de Gloria con tristemente de 1936, que es realmente maravilloso.

En una época, decidí colocar como conjunto tres obras que podrían explotar entre si,
Gloria con Tristemente en un muro , y de un lado la obra “Susana y los viejos” ( que es un magnifico desnudo de Margo ) y de frente la maestra rural pintado por Mamalí – recuerdo que siempre me decía  cuando pasaba por el cuadro y me le quedaba viendo – En esa época yo era un mango!

Asi son las obras de arte , siempre te narran historias ocultas , de ahí la necesidad de que los pintores y escultores nos hablen en vida de ellas para poderlas inmortalizar con bellas historias.

PD todas las obras que incluyo han sido expuestas en diferentes recintos de primera línea:
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Art Club Chicago
Palacio de las Bellas Artes
Exposition Park LA California
Museo Amparo
Museo de Sinaloa
Museo de Arte Moderno
Sala de exposición IMSS
Galeria de Arte Mexicano
Museo de Arte de Sinaloa
Museo de Linares

sábado, 13 de junio de 2020

Mexican Painters, 1940
Mexican Painters: Rivera, Orozco, Siqueiros, Cantu and Other Artists of the Social Realist School
MacKinley Helm is an author.
American writer and collector. Among his books is Mexican school of painting
Definitive introduction to the art and artists of Mexico during great artistic movements of the 20s and 30s. In-depth discussion of major figures—Diego Rivera, Jose Clemente Orozco and David Alfaro Siqueiros — as well as 40 other artists: Guerrero Galvan, Federico Cantú, Guillermo Meza, Frida Kahlo , Maria Izquierdo , Chavez Morado more. Fascinating insights, political and social movements, historical context, etc. 95 illustrations.
MacKinley Helm (born 1896; died 1963) was an American writer and collector.
Among his friends during this period were Ines Amor, Alfred Barr, Henry Klifford, Federico Cantú, and William Spratling, which placed MacKinley Helm in a good position to write about these artists, and his book is now considered the best introduction to the art and artists of Mexico during the great artistic movements of the twenties and thirties.
Helm married Frances Lathrop Hammond (1894–1973)
• 1936: After Pentecost: a history of Christian ideas and institutions from Peter and Paul to Ignatius of Antioch. New York: Harper
• 1941: Modern Mexican Painters. New York: Harper
• 1943: Story of Pipila
• 1942: Angel Mo' and her son, Roland Hayes. Boston: Little, Brown
• 1946: A Matter of Love, and other baroque tales of the provinces. New York: Harper
• 1948: John Marin. Boston: Pellegrini & Cudahy (reissued: New York: Kennedy; Da Capo Press, 1970)
• 1948: Journeying through Mexico. Boston: Little, Brown
• 1949: A Month of Sundays, and other baroque tales of the provinces. London: Harvill Press
• 1953: Spring in Spain. London: Gollancz
• 1953: Man of Fire; J. C. Orozco: an interpretative memoir. Boston: Institute of Contemporary Art
• 1956: Fray Junipero Serra: the great walker. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press (play)

MacKinley Helm , Frances Helm , Gloria Calero de Cantú , Federico Cantú
San Miguel Allende 1943

Modern Mexican Artists 1937
Frances Toor (1890–1956) was an American author, publisher, anthropologist and ethnographer who wrote mainly about Mexico and Mexican indigenous cultures She earned a B.A. and an M.A. in anthropology from University of California at Berkeley. She moved to Mexico City in 1922. In 1925, she founded the journal Mexican Folkways (published until 1937)
Carlos Mérida (December 2, 1891 – December 21, 1985) was a Guatemalan artist who was one of the first to fuse European modern painting to Latin American themes, especially those related to Guatemala and Mexico. He was part of the Mexican muralism movement in subject matter but less so in style, favoring a non-figurative and later geometric style rather than a figurative, narrative style. Mérida is best known for canvas and mural work, the latter including elements such as glass and ceramic mosaic on major constructions in the 1950s and 1960s. One of his major works, 4000m2 on the Benito Juarez housing complex,
Mérida’s art career began when he was still a teenager. His family’s move back to Guatemala City put him in touch with various artists and intellectuals. At age nineteen, he approached Catalan artist and writer Jaime Sabartés, who helped Mérida organize his first individual exhibition at the offices of the El Economista newspaper in Guatemala City in 1910
As there was little opportunity for artists in Guatemala, in 1910, Mérida traveled to Paris with a friend named Carlos Valenti on a German cargo ship.From then until 1914, he lived and worked in Paris and traveled much of Europe. This put him in touch with European avant garde artists such as Van Dagen, Amedeo Modigliani, Pablo Picasso and Piet Mondrian as well as Latin American artists studying in Europe such as Diego Rivera, Jorge Enciso, Ángel Zárraga and Dr. AtlHe exhibited his work in venues such as the Independent Salon and the Giroux Gallery in Paris.For unknown reasons, his traveling companion committed suicide in his studio, which affected Mérida deeply and temporarily losing interest in art. He was helped in overcoming this by Roberto Montenegro

CYDT Collection

martes, 4 de febrero de 2020

The Federal Constitution of the United Mexican States of 1857 (Spanish: Constitución Federal de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos de 1857) often called simply the Constitution of 1857 is the liberal constitution drafted by 1857 Constituent Congress of Mexico during the presidency of Ignacio Comonfort. It was ratified on February 5, 1857,establishing individual rights such as freedom of speech; freedom of conscience; freedom of the press; freedom of assembly; and the right to bear arms. It also reaffirmed the abolition of slavery, eliminated debtor prison, and eliminated all forms of cruel and unusual punishment, including the death penalty.

Some articles were contrary to the interests of the Catholic Church, such as education free of dogma, the removal of institutional fueros (privileges) and the sale of property belonging to the church. The Conservative Party strongly opposed the enactment of the new constitution and this polarized Mexican society. The Reform War began as a result, and the struggles between liberals and conservatives were intensified with the implementation of the Second Mexican Empire under the support of the church. Years later, with the restored republic, the Constitution was in force throughout the country until 1917.